Aalborg University was among the first laboratories in the world to construct a multi-directional wave basin. The wave basin was put into operation in the beginning of the 1980'ties. A large improvement in 3-D wave generation quality was archived as the basin was designed with uniquely vertically hinged piston generators instead of the commonly seen box types. For this basin the wave synthesis and control software ProfWACO was developed in house by Mr. Peter Frigaard who today is head of the department.
Later on a wider basin and also several flumes were built. For all these facilities Aalborg University has been running the ProfWACO wave generation software. In the late 1980'ties the first version of the AwaSys software for active wave absorption in wave flumes was developed based on digital filtering of wave gauge signals in the far field. This method was invented by the staff of the laboratory and has later also been included in several numerical models.
Both the ProfWACO and AwaSys software were running under the operating system DOS. These systems have co-existed and been updated until approximately year 2000 and has been delivered to several laboratories worldwide. Hereafter, it was decided to rewrite the AwaSys software in order to transform it into the windows application AwaSys4. In 2004 the 3-D wave generation routines from ProfWACO was added to the windows program to form AwaSys5 able to run both in flumes and basins but only with 2-D active absorption.
In 2011 AwaSys 6 (Win XP- Win 10 supported) was released which include active absorption of multi-directional waves using digital filtering of signals from wave gauges on the paddle faces and several other improvements.
In 2017 Awasys 7 was released (Win 7 - Win 10 supported) in both 32 and 64 bit versions. AwaSys 7 is developed for the worldwide largest deep water basin under construction in Korea. AwaSys 7 was a significant step forward in several areas especially for wave basins.
The history indicate that improvements to our software are continously made in order to maintain a market leading future proof wave generation solution.
In all steps of development the implementations has been thoroughly tested against known results and in real application in our laboratory facilities. This has led to an extremely robust, well tested and state of the art wave generation software package that now is running in several laboratories worldwide.